Treatment for Pelvic Pain in Spartanburg, SC
Many women experience pain and cramps that occur with menstruation. For some women, this pain is severe and limits normal activities. If pelvic pain is getting in the way of your life, contact the specialists at Spartanburg & Pelham OB-GYN today. Call our office in Spartanburg at (864) 208-2345 or our office in Pelham at (864) 208-2360, or request an appointment through our secure online form.
What are the Symptoms of Pelvic Pain?
Symptoms that may be present include abdominal pain, cramping, low back pain or pain radiating down the upper legs. Usually the severe pain begins with the onset of a period and lessens over the next 12 to 72 hours.
- Primary dysmenorrhea: Severe menstrual pain begins within the first couple of years of menstruation. The uterine lining naturally produces prostaglandins, which are chemicals that cause the muscle of the uterus to contract. Women with dysmenorrhea may produce more prostaglandins which results in abnormally strong uterine contractions. Primary dysmenorrhea usually lessens with time, particularly after childbirth.
- Secondary dysmenorrhea: Onset of severe pain begins years after the onset of periods and is related to a physical cause.
- Fibroids: benign muscle tumors of the uterus
- Endometriosis: tissue from the lining of the uterus growing in abnormal locations outside of the uterus
- Pelvic infections
- Adenomyosis: growth of the endometrium into the muscle wall of the uterus
- Interstitial Cystitis
How is Pelvic Pain Diagnosed?
History and pelvic exam are required. Additional tests that may be ordered include cultures and a pelvic ultrasound. A diagnostic laparoscopy is used to assist in making a diagnosis for the cause of the pain.
How is Pelvic Pain Treated?
Heat applied to the lower abdomen or back can be soothing.
Exercising regularly will decrease dysmenorrhea. Aerobic exercise produces chemicals that block pain.
NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, and mefenamic acid may
provide pain relief and also decrease prostaglandin production when taken early (even the day before the period starts). If the medications that are available over the counter do not provide enough relief, a prescription medication from your provider may be necessary. Women with ulcers, bleeding disorders, or liver dysfunction should not use NSAIDs.
Birth Control Pills, Depoprovera, and the Mirena IUD will generally decrease the severity of menstrual pain. By preventing ovulation (the release of an egg) with pills or the Depoprovera, the lining of the uterus stays thin and decreases prostaglandin release. Depoprovera and Mirena IUD’s contain progestin hormones that eliminate or decrease the occurrence of periods and therefore eliminate the associated pain. Under your provider’s guidance, birth control pills (oral contraceptives) can also be safely used to extend the time between periods (for example, every three months), or to stop periods from coming at all.
Surgery may provide relief if symptoms are unable to be controlled with medications. Surgery is focused on treating the cause of the pain. For example, laparoscopy is frequently used for diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Removal of fibroids may be done by laparoscopy, robot-assisted laparoscopy, or laparotomy. Hysterectomy may also be an option if fertility is no longer desired.